Simple Scones

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes
Makes ~ 10 scones
- 2 cups of self raising flour
- 50g butter (cold and chopped into cubes)
- 1 cup of Nutura Organic Stage 3 Toddler Milk Drink (6 scoops + 200ml water)
- Sift self raising flour into a bowl
- Using your hands, rub the flour into the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs
- Add the Nutura Organic Toddler Milk and mix with a wooden spoon until the picture forms into a soft dough.
- Knead the dough gently until smooth (don’t over-knead the dough as it makes the scones a bit tough).
- Pat/Roll dough into ~ 2cm thickness and using a round cookie cutter/scone cutter/small glass, cut out circles of dough and place them on a lightly floured tray. Use all dough by kneading it together again between cut outs.
- Place rounds into a preheated (200 degree oven) for ~ 20 minutes or until golden and risen.
—> Alternatives to these plain scones would be to include some spinach/cheese/pumpkin/mixed herbs for more flavour
Shop our Stage 3 Toddler Milk Drink
Stage 3 Toddler Milk Drink
Our Toddler Milk Drink is specifically formulated with a scientific blend of vitamins and minerals to help support a toddler’s growth and development. Made from Certified Organic, fresh, Australian grass fed cows’ milk Nutura’s Fresh Milk Difference formulation featuring Bioactive proteins lactoferrin and immunoglobulins (IgG) alongside vitamin C & zinc to support immune health development…