Top Tips To Keep Busy Minds Active In Winter

As temperatures continue to drop and rain increases, it takes a bit of extra planning to keep your children active and learning. To help you beat the winter blues, we’ve put together some tips and tricks to ensure your kids will stay entertained until the weather warms up again!

Create an activity list to have on hand

For all of the times that your children will come to you for ideas to stay entertained, or you need to find something to do with your baby or toddlers, be prepared with an activity list that you created ahead of time. Even if you can’t go outside, there are still loads of activities to do inside – you just have to do some planning. Hint: if you are going to be involved in the activities, make them ones that you would enjoy as well!

Here are a few items you can use for your list:

  • Setup arts & crafts stations
  • Introduce your kids to new musical instruments
  • Bake or cook new meals together
  • Build blanket forts and have a movie night
  • Create a sensory table – there are heaps of ideas on YouTube!
  • Break out the puzzles and board games

Organise more playdates with friends or family

Since you can’t head to the park in the winter and instantly be surrounded by tons of new friends for your children, try to plan more playdates with their existing friends. This way, they have days to look forward to, and they can keep each other entertained.

Or, invite some of the family and their kids over for some excitement during winter weekends. Planning these playdates ahead of time will help break up the days that might get a bit repetitive.

Brave the cold on days when the sun is out

We’re here to bust a common myth: your kids will NOT catch a cold due to playing outside in colder weather (unless they’re around someone with a cold). With that in mind, on days when it’s sunny out and temperatures may have crept up a bit, bundle the kids up in jackets and hats and head to the park or just play in the backyard for a few hours of outdoor fun.

Limit screen time, but don’t cut it out

While your wintertime activities with kids shouldn’t rely solely on technology, there’s no need to feel like you should be highly restrictive on screen time either. When you are too tired to discover new activities or you’ve been active all day, a movie marathon, video games, or tablet games are sure-fire ways to keep your kids happy and entertained.


If you follow these tips, we’re sure both you and your children will remain occupied and content throughout winter. And remember, there are only three more months until spring!

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